Student Labor Action Coalition
Madison, WI
Tuition/Diversity Campaign
UW tuition keeps going up, yet diversity and quality of education go down. Tuition hikes and budget cuts close the UW's door to working-class students, students of color, and first-generation students. The great public University is on a fast track to privatization. SLAC, along with other groups, has been campaigning the Governor, Legislature, Regents, and UW administration to lower tuition, increase diversity, use tax money for education not incarceration, increase taxes on corporations instead of burdening working families, and negotiate fair contracts for UW workers. SLAC and students at other UW campuses organized protests, collected 5,000 signatures, and held a 3-day, statewide hunger strike in the spring of 2005 as part of this struggle.Links:
- Lower Tuition - Increase Diversity - More Classes - Fair Contracts for UW Employees Petition to Governor Doyle, Wisconsin state legislators, the Board of Regents, and all UW campus administrations (Created by student groups at UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, and other schools, including the Student Labor Action Coalition, the MultiCultural Student Coalition, the Associated Students of Madison, Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group, etc. ): sign the petition at
- funding for prisons vs university cartoon
- graph of annual tuition vs state support for UW System
- UW students crash Reilly, faculty lunch - The Badger Herald,April 14, 2005
- Students confront UW System president over tuition increases - The Daily Cardinal, April 14, 2005
- Students crash UW faculty Q&A - The Wisconsin State Journal, April 14, 2005
- March 2005 Hunger Strike pictures
- Protesters wrap up hunger strike - The Badger Herald, March 11, 2005
- Hunger Strike press release
- Eau Claire hunger strike article
- La Crosse hunger strike article
- Students to fast at Capitol - The Daily Cardinal, March 7, 2005 and picture from March 8, 2005
- Students kick off hunger strike -The Badger Herald, - March 8, 2005
- UW students go on hunger strike to protest tuition hikes - The Capital Times, March 8, 2005
- Rev. Sharpton delivers impassioned address - The Daily Cardinal, March 8, 2005
- Hunger Strike flyer in pdf format (Click here to download a free copy of Acrobat Reader, to read .pdf files)