Organizing Resources
This page contains resources relevant to SLAC organizers.
these are in semi-chronologial order
click on titles to open/download:
- unfinished slac how-to page, oct 2014
- publicity and press info from jackson foote, oct 2014
- publicity checklist - plain text file
- Press release primer.ppt
- slacPamphlet2011.pdf
- 2009 flier with images.pdf
- news 3 video "UW Sportswear Company Nixed For Alleged Unfair Labor" - large file - 2.9MB
- ORGMANUAL.DOC slac manual, not quite finished
- Nick's SLAC Org Manual .doc - an update for the manual
- LTE history - an update for the manual
- ORGMANUAL-with-updates.doc
- soar2007inside.doc
- soar2007outside.doc
- SLAC letterhead.doc
- SLAC letterhead.jpg
- slac contact sheet.doc
- slac906final.ppt - final, finished version of slac powerpoint
- SLAC powerpoint:
and new slide to add to beginning or end -- the credit/dedication page -- (in powerpoint, drag and drop this slide into the slac powerpoint file, or copy and paste) Created with love...slac.ppt - early no-captions version -- slac906.ppt and background samples: slacbackgrounds.ppt
- LTECommit&policy100306.doc and LettertoLTES092706.doc - letters from uw human resources and chancellor wiley about new lte policy
- MADISONT.PDF - wake up change america tour flyer
- soar2006inside.doc
- soar2006outside.doc
- smbolt.jpg the lightning bolt image for soar flyer cover 2006
- soarflyer706.doc - a preliminary version
- Living Wage Rascuache.doc
- living wage referendum announcement for Professors.doc
- VoteNo_SegFees.jpg
- VoteYes_LivingWage.jpg
- WorkingWomen.doc
- Two versions of the worker tour poster: WorkerTourPoster1.pdf, and WorkerTour2.pdf
- InitiativePetition(final2).doc revised living wage petition
- sweatshop flyer.doc
- freebuckyflyer.jpg free bucky - sept 15 teach in flyer - higher resolution to download and print
- th-freebuckyflyer.jpg low res version to view on web
- soar flyer outside in jpeg format
- soar flyer inside in jpeg format
- SOAR flyer inside, with text from the insert added to the inside page, so it all fits on one sheet of paper
- 2005 SOAR flyer outside
- A21_flier0001-300dpi.jpg april 21 flyer, large version
- A21_flier0001-lowres.jpg april 21 flyer, low-res version
- WelcometoEcon101.doc revised 2005 version
- (original version of welcome to econ 101, 2004)
- join-slac-save-world.txt
- lte-pilot-extracted-pages.doc
- slac-logo-large-www.jpg
- soar2004-inside.doc
- soar2004-outside.doc
- songs-small.doc
- songs.doc
- strategy-chart.pdf (GROW chart)
- sweat-info-apr2002.txt long list of wages, prices for food, bus, phone,in many countries
- tonys-orig-songs.doc
- tuition-prison-cartoon.jpg
- to the union songs folder
- wearingthin.doc Wearing Thin - The State of Pay in the FashionIndustry2000-01- labour behind the label report
- wisuwsysStat0036.pdf